Russi Surti

Team member

We are here to manage your business with experience


Russi Surti

Vice-President and Senior Consultant.

Russi is an exceptional international business and corporate practitioner having served in senior executive positions in India, Iran, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and since 1986 in Canada and the U.S.In the mid-nineties, he served as Senior Investment Counsellor with Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), promoting strategic alliances between Canadian companies and those in South-East Asian countries, and later as Consulting Group Manager with the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC). Since 2001, Russi has been conducting an independent International Business Advisory practice under the corporate name, “Global Ventures Inc”. His services include promoting international Joint Ventures, assisting Canadian companies to get R & D tax credits, and helping companies to get grants or interest-free loans under various provincial and federal government programs.

Russi has a Chartered Accountant accreditation and a Law Degree (LLB), from India, and a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) accreditation from the Canadian Association of Management Consultants. He is an active member of several professional and business organizations including CMC-Canada, Ontario Aerospace Council, Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Russi’s multi-faceted acumen gained internationally over the years will provide trans-border counsel to clients in the business and corporate arena including, but not limited to, Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint-Ventures, Technology Transfer and Greenfield initiatives.